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Golfer's Elbow Treatment


One of DublinsĀ Best Physiotherapy Clinics with over 300 5 Star Reviews.

Book in with us today to find out how you can fix your Golfer's Elbow!

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What Is Golfer's Elbow?   


Golfer's Elbow is the name given to pain at the inside of the elbow where your forearm muscles attach to your arm. We now call this pain Medial Epicondylitis.

The muscles in this area of your arm form a common tendon which attaches to bony point at the inside of the elbow. These muscles primarily flex the wrist. They primarily become sore through overuse. 

For golfers, swing mechanics can trigger the pain in this area. This is why it is so important to assess the whole upper limb - wrist, elbow and shoulder, as well as spinal rotation, to see if the pain is caused by a weakness in the elbow itself, or by a restriction elsewhere which is leading to an altered swing.

What Are The Symptoms Of Golfers Elbow?  


The class symptom of Golfer's Elbow is pain at the inside of the elbow. This pain is quite localised to, and below, the bony prominence at the medial aspect of the elbow.

It can be very sore to palpate / poke this area. It can also be very difficult to fully flex and extend the wrist, patient's often complain of pain lifting / holding something heavy. Here are some of the other common symptoms which we see

  • Pain lifting everyday objects.
  • Pain carrying heavy item like golf bag or shopping.
  • Pain twisting / turning the wrist - like twisting your key or using a screw driver.
  • Pain lifting weights in the gym.
  • Pain playing golf - can be during your swing or after your round. 

This pain may be caused by weakness / stiffness in your wrist and elbow, it may be caused by poor swing mechanics, by a sudden increase in your golfing frequency or it may be caused by restrictions or tightness elsewhere in your body leading to a compromised swing. At RAPID we strive to find the Root Cause of your Golfer's Elbow and not just treat the symptoms.

Treatment For Golfer's Elbow  


The first step to treating your Golfer's Elbow is to get it assessed by one of our expert Chartered Physiotherapists.

At RAPID we complete an extremely thorough assessment in order to get the most definite diagnosis possible and in order to provide you with the most complete plan to full recovery. Your individual treatment will be dependent on your injury and the results of our assessment.

Most Golfer's Elbow treatment will involve a comprehensive assessment of your elbow, wrist and swing mechanics. It will involve progressive rehabilitation program with expert exercises to fix your pain, improve your everyday function and help your swing.

Other Treatments We Offer 

We at RAPID are experts when it comes to Golf Strength and Conditioning. With over 200 5-Star Reviews you can be sure you are in good hands!

Here are some of the other conditions which we regularly see and treat: