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RAPIDĀ | Shoulder Pain Physio


One of DublinsĀ Best Physiotherapy Clinics with over 300 Five Star Reviews.

Book in with us today to find out why your shoulder is sore and how you can fix it!

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Shoulder Pain 


The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. It is hugely important to the normal function of our everyday lives as well as during sport and activities. It is one of the most common injuries which we see here at RAPID. 

Shoulder Pain can be simply split into acute shoulder pain and chronic shoulder pain.

Acute shoulder pain normally has a clear moment of injury, such as a fall or a sports collision. There may have been a snap or a pop and pain was likely quite sudden after this incident. These types of injuries can be quite debilitating and it is important to get them assessed as soon as possible in order to find out what structures are involved (muscle, tendon, bone, labrum) and what the recovery journey will be like.

Chronic shoulder pain usually has no one clear moment of onset. It normally comes on slowly and progressively gets worse over the subsequent days, weeks, months and sometimes even years! This pain often occurs after starting a new activity (such as tennis or a gym program) or following a period of heavy manual work (gardening or painting). This pain can be quite debilitating as well, and often a combination of rest, anti inflammatories and pain killers may have been unsuccessful. At RAPID we often see patients who have had chronic shoulder pain for a long time, have seen multiple professionals in the past without success and go on to make a full recovery with our expert assessment and rehabilitation. 

Symptoms of Shoulder Injury 


The most common symptom of shoulder injury we see at RAPID is pain when lifting the hands overhead. This can make everyday activities difficult such as getting dressed, putting things up high, playing sport or going to the gym. Here are some of the other common symptoms which we see

  • Pain lifting the arms overhead.
  • Pain driving, making dinner, washing windows - doing anything which involves holding your arms up for a prolonged time.
  • Picking up everyday items - glass of water, cup of tea, phone, a pot / kettle.
  • Pain doing any pushing exercises in the gym - push ups, bench press, overhead press.
  • Pain doing fast motions - throwing, swinging a golf club, hurl or tennis racket, push-press in the gym.

The pain may be at the front or the back of the shoulder. It may travel into your neck or down your arm toward your elbow. At RAPID we strive to find the Root Cause of your shoulder pain and not just treat the symptoms.

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Most Common Types of Shoulder Injury 


There are multiple shoulder injuries which we commonly see at RAPID.

  • Rotator Cuff Tear / Tendon Issues
  • Shoulder 'Impingement' Pain
  • AC Joint injuries
  • Shoulder Dislocation / Subluxation
  • Collarbone (Clavicle) Fracture
  • Shoulder Arthritis
  • Shoulder Bursitis
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Shoulder Surgery - labral repair, rotator cuff operations, shoulder stabilisations.


How to Treat Shoulder Pain?


The first step to treating your shoulder pain is to get it assessed by one of our expert Chartered Physiotherapists.

At RAPID we complete an extremely thorough assessment in order to get the most definite diagnosis possible and in order to provide you with the most complete plan to full recovery. Your individual treatment will be dependent on your injury and the results of our assessment.

Most shoulder pain treatment will involve a progressive rehabilitation program with expert exercises to fix your pain and improve your everyday function and your sporting performance.

RAPID | Shoulder Physio Experts


We at RAPID are experts when it comes to dealing with pain and injury. With over 250 Five-Star Reviews you can be sure you are in good hands! 


Here are some of the other conditions which we regularly see and treat: 

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